A team of international scientists led by Dr, Rebecca Hamilton at the University of Sydney has found…
Every time UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres speaks about the climate crisis, he ups the…
Hydrogen is the lightest, most abundant element on earth. It also serves as an energy…
When it comes to greenhouse gases, methane is one the biggest contributors. Not only is…
Amid the rubble of large-sale earthquake, war or other disaster – and as ageing buildings…
The world wants more nuclear energy as a means to fight climate change and supply an ever-growing…
Viewed globally, it is above all individuals and households that are pursuing adaptation to the…
Researchers at Lund University in Sweden are investigating a car fuel comprised of a liquid…
Wastewater release from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan is expected to have negligible…
Researchers have discovered a sea’s worth of water locked within the sediment and rock of…