The two-day event put on by the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) will include presentations from S&T Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency (HSARPA), the Transportation Security Administration, and sponsored organizations performing research and development. Commercial companies, government laboratories and universities will present current research.
In addition to current work, the Industry Day will encourage discussions about how to advance new, novel sampling techniques, including the possible applications of optical trace explosives detection techniques, to enhance sampling and provide an expanded capability to detect explosive threats, as well as the expanded use of trace detection equipment in multiple Homeland Security environments such as aviation security, borders and maritime environments.
“This is a great opportunity for the trace research and development community to share what they have been working on that supports the advancement of the trace detection science.” said Dr. Laura Parker, program manager in HSARPA’s Explosives Division. “We want to encourage discussion of the future directions for the explosives trace detection community to solve the complex problems of explosives detection in the DHS enterprise.”
This Industry Day is seeking information on the most recent advancements in explosive trace detection, including the following topics:
- Advanced sampling tools and methodologies, both direct and non-contact
- Cost-effective, rugged, ergonomic, universal trace collection tools supporting common explosive trace detection system platforms
- Rapid sampling capability
- Methods for preparing reproducible and representative trace explosives samples for testing
To register and for event details, go to